Modern Engineering Company

dedicated to shipbuilding and offshore

designing since 1999


NELTON wspiera osoby poszkodowane w powodzi!

Z wielką radością informujemy, że zorganizowaliśmy zbiórkę, by pomóc tym, którzy ucierpieli w wyniku ostatnich powodzi. Razem możemy zmienić wiele!  Każda, nawet najmniejsza pomoc, ma ogromne znaczenie. Z radością ogłaszamy, że w zbiórce dla ofiar powodzi, prowadzonej przez Nelton Design udało się zebrać aż 24 500 zł!  Dziękujemy wszystkim pracownikom za zaangażowanie i wsparcie. Mamy nadzieję że wasza hojność pomoże osobom dotkniętym powodzią odbudować ich życie. Zebrane środki przekazaliśmy poszkodowanym poprzez fundację Polski Czerwony Krzyż PCK.   Dziękujemy za Wasze wsparcie i solidarność w tych trudnych chwilach! read full article


Meet Us at SMM Hamburg – The Leading Trade Fair for the Maritime Industry!

Dear Partners Meet us at the SMM trade fair in Hamburg, the world's leading trade fair for the maritime industry! This exceptional event brings together key players and experts from around the globe, showcasing the latest technologies, trends, and innovations shaping the future of the maritime sector. Our representatives will be present at the exhibition and are eager to discuss collaboration opportunities and mutual growth. Contact us to schedule a meeting and learn how we can achieve success together!   Please contact directly: John Morgan Cyren  Marketing & Sales Department Mobile: +48 881 952 820 Email:  See you! read full article


Let's Meet at Nor-Fishing 2024 in Trondheim!, Norway 20 - 22 August 2024

Dear Partners We are pleased to inform you that our colleagues from Nelton Design will be attending the Nor-Fishing exhibition in Trondheim. This is a great opportunity to meet, discuss, and explore potential collaborations and future projects. If you are also planning to attend this event, we invite you to get in touch – we would love to meet!    Please contact directly: John Morgan Cyren  Marketing & Sales Department Mobile: +48 881 952 820 Email:   See you in Trondheim! read full article


What makes us unique


This term is synonymous with “natural excellence.” It is both universally and absolute recognizable, a mark of uncompromising standards and high achievement. Nevertheless, proponents of this view claim that quality cannot be defined precisely. Rather, it is a simple unanalyzable value that we learn to recognize only through experience. Nelton through professionalism, reliability and continuous development successfully realizes strategy to be associated with these notions.


For 25 years of Nelton’s existence, the company has been constantly focused on designing ships and floating objects in close contact with its clients. As a result, many successful projects have been handled by dozens of Nelton’s competent engineers.

The company has also been putting a great emphasis on developing skills and qualifications of its fresh graduate employees, which from a time perspective results in creating a strong team of effective senior engineers.


Proper attitude toward our clients, especially careful listening to their needs leads us to creating proper solutions which helps to achieve common goals. Through elastic responding to technology ‘s development and continuous changes of market’s demands we try to provide the best engineering assistance.